The number of dead from the Syria conflict continues to rise after new clashes across the country. Two days of severe fighting on 30-31 January in the province of Idlib left 47 people dead. The offensive by the Syrian army against opposition strongholds has continued with attacks and fresh clashes in Southern Damascus, Aleppo, and the city of Homs. The number of Syrian refugees continued to rise over the past week, amounting to a total of 733,196.
The French-led ground offensive against Islamist rebels continued in Mali with French troops securing Kidal airport and entering the city of Kidal on 29 January. Aerial operations targeting Islamic militant training camps and arms depots around Kidal and Tessalit were initiated by the French troops on 2 February. Military progress in the centre and north of Mali has improved humanitarian access, although conditions remain unstable.
The recent floods in southern Africa have affected several countries in the region. In Mozambique, an additional 19,000 people have been temporarily displaced, bringing the total number of temporarily displaced to 169,000.
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